Diplopia (Double Vision)



Diplopia is the subjective complaint of seeing 2 images instead of one and is often referred to as double-vision in lay parlance. The term diplopia is derived from 2 Greek words: diplous, meaning double, and ops, meaning eye. Diplopia is often the first manifestation of many systemic disorders, especially muscular or neurologic processes.[1] An accurate, clear description of the symptoms (eg, constant or intermittent; variable or unchanging; at near or at far; with one eye [monocular] or with both eyes [binocular]; horizontal, vertical, or oblique) is critical to appropriate diagnosis and management.[2, 3]

Binocular diplopia occurs only when both eyes are open and can be corrected by covering either eye. Monocular diplopia persists in one eye despite covering the other eye and can usually be corrected by using a pinhole. Monocular diplopia can be unilateral or bilateral. Physiologic diplopia is a normal phenomenon depending on the alignment of the ocular axes with the objects of regard (eg, focusing on a finger held close results in distant objects being blurry but double).

Further classification schemes for binocular diplopia include constant versus intermittent and vertical versus horizontal (or oblique) diplopia. Vertical diplopia indicates vertical alignment of the images, which usually suggests pathology in the vertical muscles, including superior oblique, inferior oblique, superior rectus, and inferior rectus. Horizontal diplopia suggests pathology of the medial or lateral rectus.

Animal models

Unless the visual fields of the eyes overlap, binocular diplopia cannot occur. Among vertebrates, the potential for diplopia (and for stereoscopic depth perception) depends on where the eyes are located in the head. Eyes located on either side of the head provide a wide visual field but with a less overlapped visual field. These animals have less field for binocular vision and less risk for diplopia when one eye becomes misaligned. However, when both eyes are located in the front of the head, a greater visual field overlap exists and, thus, a better binocular depth perception, as frequently seen in predators. Misalignment of such eyes may result in diplopia.

The eyes of birds demonstrate many unique anatomical features, one of which is the presence of multiple foveae and, in some cases, a streak fovea linking 2 foveae. Thus, they may be able to have 2 separate areas of regard without disabling diplopia. How the visual perception occurs in these cases remains debatable.


Binocular diplopia (or true diplopia) is a breakdown in the fusional capacity of the binocular system. The normal neuromuscular coordination cannot maintain correspondence of the visual objects on the foveae of the 2 eyes. Rarely, fusion cannot occur because of dissimilar image size, which can occur after changes in the optical function of the eye following refractive surgery (eg, LASIK) or after a cataract is replaced by an intraocular lens or because of aniseikonia, which represents a discrepancy in image size perceived by the two eyes.

The distortion of one image may be interpreted as diplopia by the patient; however, the same object does not appear to be in 2 places but rather appears differently with each eye.

Monocular diplopia may result from abnormal light transmission to the retina (eg, corneal distortion or scarring, multiple openings in the iris, cataract or subluxation of the natural lens or pseudophakic lens implant, vitreous abnormalities, retinal conditions). Monocular diplopia must be distinguished from metamorphopsia, in which objects appear misshapen.



United States

No figures are available as to prevalence of diplopia in the United States.


International incidence rates of diplopia are unknown. The incidence of diplopia as a chief complaint in emergency departments is low. One study of a specialist eye hospital in London, United Kingdom, reported the incidence of diplopia as the chief complaint in only 1.4% of the presenting cases.[4]


Divergent pathological processes, each with its own morbidity and mortality, can cause diplopia. However, irrespective of cause, diplopia has significant morbidity in terms of difficulty with depth perception and confusion with orientation of objects, especially when performing visually demanding tasks, such as driving a vehicle or operating tools. Therefore, in assessing visual disability after injuries, loss of binocularity accounts for a major percentage of loss of function.


Diplopia has no reported racial predilection.


Diplopia has no reported sexual predilection.


Diplopia is encountered almost exclusively in adults or in those with mature visual systems because of their inability to ignore the second image.

Young children may not be able to express this symptom. More importantly, the immature visual system deals with diplopia by suppressing the poorer image, possibly resulting in irreversible amblyopia. Children with obvious and marked ocular malalignment due to strabismus are comfortable and content because the visual image from the deviating eye is suppressed and not noticed.


The causes of diplopia can vary from a mild inconvenience to a condition with major health consequences.

As a rule, patients with diabetic mononeuritis multiplex recover spontaneously in approximately 6 weeks.

Optical causes (eg, lens dislocation, corneal disorders) are amenable to repair.

Blow-out fractures have a variable prognosis depending on the amount of tissue damage.

Central (neurologic) causes of diplopia can have serious consequences and, in the case of primary or secondary tumors, have a dire prognosis.

Patient Education

Patients must be educated on the importance of determining the exact cause of diplopia, since some conditions responsible for diplopia may be very serious. Otherwise, a clear explanation of the condition, its natural history, alternative options, and general prognosis will alleviate patient concerns and motivate perseverance.[5]

For excellent patient education resources, visit eMedicineHealth's Eye and Vision Center. Also, see eMedicineHealth's patient education article Black Eye.


A clear and comprehensive history is the single most useful evaluation in treating patients with diplopia. The patient typically presents with a history of double vision, where single objects appear as double. Specific inquiry as to onset, progression, effects of distance of target, and variability with head posture or gaze direction, as well as previous similar episodes (especially if associated with other neurologic symptoms) and/or spontaneous resolution, is very helpful in the diagnosis and management of diplopia.

Three important symptoms should be elicited, as follows:

The traditional and detailed evaluation of the chief complaint includes onset (abrupt or slow), severity, duration, location, associated symptoms, and aggravating and relieving factors. A comprehensive and complete review of all these aspects, if necessary with a questionnaire, is more important than the appropriate physical examination or special tests.

Other significant aspects include a review of systems (eg, history of diabetes, vascular disease, or hypertension; headache and other neurologic complaints; muscle fatigue or weakness; medications and drugs being used[6] ), as well as a past medical and surgical history.

Inquire about recent trauma to the face and the head. Blunt injury to the cheek can result in a blow-out fracture of the orbit with hematoma or entrapment of the soft tissues and extraocular muscles, restricting upward and downward eye movement. Entrapment of the inferior rectus muscle can be confirmed by a forced duction test. Blunt head injury may also be associated with nonspecific sixth cranial nerve (abducens) weakness and severe diplopia when gazing to the affected side.

Evaluate old photographs, if available, to determine if a head posture (if present) is long-standing. Commonly, a congenitally weak superior oblique muscle can be compensated for by head tilt, but osteoarthritis of the neck or other mechanism can result in decompensation and sudden symptoms of a chronic subclinical condition.


Evaluate the ocular system with respect to 2 specific aspects: first, physiologically (in turn also with 2 aspects, ie, sensory function and motor function), and, second, anatomically.

The first aspect of the evaluation includes the sensory component.

Confirm that the symptom is monocular or binocular. Does covering each eye in turn alleviate the problem, or does the diplopia persist despite covering the "good" opposite eye? Monocular diplopia is very uncommon. Possible causes include severe corneal deformity or marked astigmatism (keratoconus), multiple pupils or openings in the iris, refractive anomalies within the eye (early cataracts or partially displaced lenses as in Marfan syndrome), as well as retinal abnormalities (macular scarring and distortion).

Evaluate the magnitude of difference in spectacle correction required for each eye. Marked differences between the eyes (anisometropia) will frequently produce disabling diplopia, especially in extremes of gaze.

Determine the visual acuity in each eye separately, with and without spectacle correction and with a pinhole. Does a pinhole improve the visual acuity, or does it improve monocular diplopia? Major improvement in visual acuity with a pinhole suggests intraocular or refractive problems.

Evaluate the visual field by confrontation testing or formal visual field mapping to detect possible space occupying masses impinging on the visual pathways and/or cranial motor nerves. With severely constricted fields, the peripheral clues for fusion may be lacking, resulting in diplopia.

Determine how various directions of gaze modify the diplopia. Is the diplopia the same in the 9 cardinal directions of gaze? This includes straight ahead (primary gaze), to each side as well as up and down while looking toward that side, and straight up and down from the primary position. This evaluation can enhance subtle weaknesses of individual muscles that may not be apparent during testing of the range of movements.

Evaluate how tilting the head to the left or to the right alters the diplopia. The double vision will increase when the head is tilted to the same side if vertical diplopia is present due to weakness of the superior oblique muscle (innervated by the fourth cranial nerve [trochlear nerve]). Eliciting increases or decreases in the separation of the 2 images is an essential part of the Park three-step test. In addition, evaluating the ocular deviation in cases of vertical diplopia (along with the three-step test) in both supine and upright positions may help to differentiate between that caused by skew deviation versus a trochlear nerve palsy. If the vertical deviation  results from a skew deviation, it is more likely to improve with supine positioning than that caused by trochlear nerve palsy.

Evaluate the integrity of the other cranial nerves (eg, facial sensation [trigeminal nerve], facial muscle movements).

The motor aspect of the physiologic evaluation includes the following:

Determine that other ocular motor functions are normal, as follows:

The anatomical evaluation includes inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

Inspect the head position, eyes, eyelids, orbits, and face for symmetry or displacement (upward, downward; proptosis, enophthalmos). Ptosis of the upper eyelid indicates possible third nerve lesions, while eyelid retraction suggests thyroid ophthalmopathy. Abnormal head position (especially tilting the head to one side) suggests superior oblique muscle palsy.

Note inflammation or vascular congestion that may be suggestive of orbital cellulitis, orbital tumors (rhabdomyosarcoma), arteriovenous malformation (carotid cavernous fistula), and thyroid ophthalmopathy. Palpate the orbital rim for fractures and any absences (eg, encephalocele). Palpate soft tissues surrounding the eye for tumors. Gently push on the closed eyelid to determine increased resistance (fullness of the orbit), comparing one eye to the other eye. This may disclose orbital disorders (eg, fractures, tumors).

Perform percussion over the bony orbital rim to disclose focal tenderness from sinus inflammation.

Auscultate the closed eye for the bruit of a carotid cavernous fistula.


Binocular diplopia caused by ocular misalignment can stem from supranuclear disease, nuclear disease, or infranuclear disease, which includes disease of the extraocular muscles, the nerves innervating these muscles, or the neuromuscular junction connecting the nerve and the muscle. It can be further classified as intermittent or constant. Common causes include the following:

Less commonly, diplopia can be caused by drugs such as lacosamide, zonisamide, eslicarbazepine, botulinum toxin, rufinamide, pregabalin, sildenafil, gabapentin, topiramate, levetiracetam, amlodipine, adalimumab, lamotrigine, voriconazole, sertraline, and ciprofloxacin.[7]


In infants and young children, diplopia can result in suppression and amblyopia of the nondominant eye.

Laboratory Studies

Perform laboratory studies as indicated by aspects disclosed after a comprehensive history and physical examination with emphasis on ocular findings and neurologic screening. Laboratory studies may include anti-acetylcholine (ACh) antibody, anti–striated muscle antibody, anti–muscle-specific receptor tyrosine kinase (MuSK) antibody, low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (LRP4) antibody, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free T4, thyroperoxidase antibody, and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody.

The absence of antibodies does not rule out disease, and further testing may be elicited to rule out disease. About 9% of patients with myasthenia gravis are seronegative.[8]

Imaging Studies

Order CT scan or MRI (with contrast) of the skull and orbits to rule out intracranial masses or other pathologic processes, such as the following[9] :

Traditional guidelines for imaging patients with new-onset diplopia include imaging all patients younger than 50 years with other neurologic findings, with a progressive course of diplopia, or with a history of cancer.[10] For patients older than 50 years with vasculopathic risk factors, imaging is not always necessary during the initial evaluation. Physicians should conduct a careful review of the patients' history to determine if imaging is medically indicated.

Other Tests

Cover-uncover test

The cover-uncover test can be used to detect heterotropias. The subject fixates on an object while one eye is covered. If the uncovered eye adducts, the eye has exotropia; if the uncovered eye abducts, the eye has esotropia; if there is upward movement, it has hypotropia; if there is downward movement, it has hypertropia.

If the patient has tropia, the ocular deviation can be measured with prisms. Prisms of differing strengths can be placed in front of the uncovered eye. Prisms of increasing strengths are tested until there is no longer a deviation noted in the uncovered eye.

Tensilon test

The edrophonium (Tensilon) test can be performed to exclude myasthenia gravis, although it has largely been supplanted in the clinic by safer and less-invasive clinical tests (eg, sleep or rest test, ice test).

Intravenous injection of a short-acting anticholinesterase (ie, 10 mg/mL edrophonium chloride [Tensilon]) should be part of the initial workup of a patient with diplopia. Draw up 1 mL, and establish venous access. Then, inject a test dose of 1 mg intravenously to exclude possible hypersensitivity; if no adverse effect is evident, inject the remaining 9 mg.

The expected (normal) cholinergic response includes salivation; lacrimation; flushing; and a brief, but often quite dramatic, reversal of muscle weakness with temporary correction of diplopia and/or ptosis. Occasionally, an excessive cholinergic response may result in increased vagal tone with serious bradyarrhythmias; atropine (0.5 mg) should be available as an antidote.

Other myopathies (eg, progressive external ophthalmoplegia, myotonia) do not respond to anticholinesterases.

Forced duction test

If a lack of movement of one eye occurs in a given direction, excluding a tethered (or fibrotic) muscle may be helpful. Evaluate whether the globe can be passively moved toward the affected area. Traditionally, a forceps is used (after topical anesthesia) to grasp the limbus, and then the eye can be gently tugged in the desired direction. It may be possible to achieve the same result less traumatically by using a cotton wool bud (soaked in topical anesthetic) to "push" on the limbus in the desired direction.

Lee or Hess screen

This highly specialized test separates the field of vision of the 2 eyes. With one eye, the subject fixates on the corners of a rectangle. The other eye is used to visualize the placement of a marker on the same location. Any overaction or underaction will become evident; when one eye has a weak muscle, it will not move as much as the other eye. However, if that eye is used to fixate, the excessive stimulation required will result in an overshoot of the normal yoke muscle in the opposite eye.

Park three-step test

The Park three-step test can help elucidate which of the 4 extraocular muscles responsible for vertical eye movements are responsible for a vertical diplopia. Although first appearing impossibly complex, this test follows a logical progression to progressively eliminate groups of muscles from the 4 pairs.

First, determine which eye appears higher with the head in a normal position. Then, determine which eye is higher with gaze to the left or to the right (ie, with the head turned to the right and then turned to the left). Lastly, determine which eye is higher with the head tilted left and tilted right. (The patient can also help by commenting about when the diplopia is worse.) Then, answer the questions in the following steps:

By combining steps 1-3, only one muscle remains as the culprit. This test requires a logical analysis and the exclusion of alternative possibilities. However, the astute clinician can greatly simplify this process by recognizing that the superior oblique muscle is by far most likely to be responsible for a vertical diplopia. A head tilt to the same side as the involved muscle exacerbates the problem. A very simple rule of thumb is that "the eye that is highest in adduction looks at the affected muscle."

Single-Fiber Electromyography

Single-fiber electromyography (EMG) can be used to detect myasthenia gravis in seronegative cases with isolated ocular findings. Single-fiber EMG is a highly sensitive test for detecting defects in the neuromuscular junction. An electrode measures the potentials of different muscle fibers that are innervated by the same nerve. In a healthy individual, the action potential will excite the muscle fibers at the same time. If there is pathology, there will be variability in the time of excitation of the muscle fibers. Jitter represents the difference in time between the depolarization of the two muscle fibers and is increased in those with myasthenia gravis. The threshold for an abnormal test result is a jitter value greater than the upper limit of the normal value for the specific muscle or greater than 10% of muscle pairs tested with increased jitter.[11]

Medical Care

Patching one eye: Patching is often required, since the patient has to continue functioning while awaiting resolution or intervention.[12]

Stick-on occlusive lenses can be applied to glasses to minimize the cosmetic handicap of a patched eye, while sufficiently blurring the one eye to minimize disabling double vision.[12]

Fresnel prisms: These prisms can be stuck to glasses.[12] Although these prisms are only appropriate if a stable deviation is present across all directions of gaze, they severely blur the image from that eye and function in many ways like an occlusive lens.

Treatment of myasthenia gravis: pyridostigmine (Mestinon) or other long-acting anticholinergic agent, as well as corticosteroids, may be required.

Orthoptic exercises: In healthy individuals, convergence exercises have been proven via randomized controlled trials to reduce symptoms of convergence insufficiency.[13] Orthoptic exercises have also been shown to improve surgical outcomes in patients with strabismus and can be considered as adjunctive treatment to surgery in patients with intermittent exotropia.

Surgical Care

Strabismus surgery is occasionally necessary.[12] The typical recession/resection is rarely indicated due to the one muscle often being permanently weak, and any standard surgery will lose effect over time. Exceptions include a blow-out fracture when the release of the entrapped soft tissues from the fracture in the floor of the orbit can be very effective.

Transposition surgery (Hummelsheim surgery): With permanent paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle, overcoming the unopposed tone of the medial rectus muscle is possible by splitting the superior and inferior recti muscles and by reinserting the lateral half of each muscle at the lateral rectus insertion. Otherwise, any recession of the medial rectus muscle will be of only temporary benefit. Despite achieving single vision straight ahead, the diplopia will persist with gaze toward the paralytic muscle.

Knapp superior oblique muscle paralysis: With permanent weakness of the superior oblique muscle, it is possible to weaken the yoke muscle of the opposite eye (superior rectus muscle) as well as the direct antagonist (inferior oblique muscle) in the same eye, together with a shortening of the affected muscle, to minimize the deviation.

Chemodenervation[12] : This helps prevent the contracture in eyes with extraocular muscle paresis, especially when return of function is expected. Multiple injections over several months of botulinum toxin into the medial rectus muscle reduce contracture due to a weak lateral rectus from a sixth nerve paralysis. The effect may be more permanent than expected; the opposing un-injected muscle may develop a degree of permanent shortening and contracture.


Diabetologist: Isolated cranial nerve weakness (eg, typically third or sixth cranial nerve) indicates a microangiopathy of diabetes. A review of the appropriateness of diabetic control is indicated.

An endocrinologist specializing in thyroid disorders may be required to control the metabolic disorder associated with severe thyroid disease (eg, Graves or Hashimoto disease).

An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist may be required for sinus diseases and blow-out fractures.

A neurologic or neurosurgical opinion may be beneficial to evaluate cranial nerve palsies.


Patients with diplopia should avoid driving or operating machinery, at least until they have adapted to wearing a patch over one eye.

Long-Term Monitoring

Follow-up of patients with diplopia is essential to ensure that the diplopia resolves in a timely manner and the initial diagnosis was accurate or if further evaluation and treatment are needed.

Further outpatient care is dependent on the type of diplopia (double vision) and the treatment started.

Medication Summary

Apart from specific treatments for given conditions (eg, Mestinon for myasthenia gravis, steroid pulse for multiple sclerosis), no medications relieve diplopia.

What is the clinical background of diplopia?How does the risk for diplopia in vary in different animals?What is the pathophysiology of diplopia?What is the prevalence of diplopia in the US?What is the global incidence of diplopia?What is the mortality/morbidity associated with diplopia?What are the demographics of diplopia?What is the prognosis of diplopia?What should patients with diplopia be educated about?What is the role of the clinical history in the evaluation of diplopia?What are the clinically significant symptoms of diplopia?What are the relevant aspects of the clinical history in the evaluation of diplopia?What are physical exam findings in diplopia?How are ocular motor functions evaluated in patients with suspected diplopia?How is an anatomic evaluation performed in the assessment of diplopia?What causes diplopia?What are the complications of diplopia?What are the differential diagnoses for Diplopia (Double Vision)?Which lab studies are indicated in the diagnosis of diplopia?What is the role of imaging studies in the workup of diplopia?When are imaging studies indicated in the workup of diplopia?What is the role of cover-uncover test in the workup of diplopia?What is the role of Tensilon test in the workup of diplopia?What is the role of a forced duction test in the workup of diplopia?What is the role of a Lee or Hess screen in the workup of diplopia?What is the role of a Park 3-step test in the workup of diplopia?How is a Park 3-step test for diplopia performed?What is the role of single-fiber EMG in the workup of diplopia?What is the medical treatment for diplopia?What is the surgical treatment for diplopia?Which specialist consultations are indicated in the treatment of diplopia?What activity restrictions are indicated in the treatment of diplopia?What follow-up care is indicated in the treatment of diplopia?Which medications are indicated in the treatment of diplopia?


Jitander Dudee, MD, MA(Cantab), FACS, FRCOphth, Ophthalmologist, Medical Vision Institute, PSC

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Specialty Editors

Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Editor-in-Chief, Medscape Drug Reference

Disclosure: Received salary from Medscape for employment. for: Medscape.

Chief Editor

Andrew G Lee, MD, Chair, Department of Ophthalmology, Blanton Eye Institute, Houston Methodist Hospital; Clinical Professor, Associate Program Director, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine; Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery, Division of Head and Neck Surgery, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Professor of Ophthalmology, Neurology, and Neurological Surgery, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; Clinical Associate Professor, University of Buffalo, State University of New York School of Medicine

Disclosure: Received ownership interest from Credential Protection for other.

Additional Contributors

Ama Sadaka, MD, Resident Physician, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Cincinnati Hospital

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Andrew W Lawton, MD, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Ochsner Health Services

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Bayan Ali Mahmoud Al Othman, MD, Fellow in Neuro-Ophthalmology, Houston Methodist Hospital

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Shauna Berry, DO, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Neuro-ophthalmology

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.


Izak F Wessels, MBBCh, MMed, FRCSE, FACS Adjunct Associate Professor, Loma Linda University; Private Practice in Comprehensive and Surgical Ophthalmology, Allied Eye Associates

Izak F Wessels, MBBCh, MMed, FRCSE, FACS is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Ophthalmology, American College of Surgeons, American Medical Association, and Royal College of Surgeons of England

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Brian R Younge, MD Professor of Ophthalmology, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine

Brian R Younge, MD is a member of the following medical societies: American Medical Association, American Ophthalmological Society, and North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.


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