Gastric volvulus is a rare clinical entity defined as an abnormal rotation of the stomach of more than 180°, creating a closed loop obstruction that can result in incarceration and strangulation.
Berti first described gastric volvulus in a female autopsy patient in 1866.[1] Years later, in 1896, Berg performed the first successful operation for gastric volvulus.[2] The classic triad associated with gastric volvulus of severe epigastric pain, retching without vomiting, and inability to pass a nasogastric tube was described by Borchardt in 1904.[3]
The most frequently used classification system of gastric volvulus, proposed by Singleton,[4] relates to the axis around which the stomach rotates and is classified as follows:
Because many cases of chronic volvulus are not diagnosed, the incidence and prevalence of gastric volvulus is unknown. Ten to 20% of cases occur in children,[8] usually before age 1 year, but cases have been reported in children up to age 15 years.[9] Gastric volvulus in children is often secondary to congenital diaphragmatic defects. The condition is uncommon in adults younger than 50 years.[8] Males and females are equally affected.
According to etiology, gastric volvulus can be classified as either type 1 (idiopathic) or type 2 (congenital or acquired).
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Gastric volvulus can manifest as an acute abdominal emergency or as a chronic intermittent problem. The presenting symptoms depend on the degree of twisting and the rapidity of onset.
In general, the treatment of an acute gastric volvulus remains emergent surgical repair. In patients who are not surgical candidates (secondary to comorbidities or an inability to tolerate anesthesia), endoscopic reduction may be attempted.
Chronic gastric volvulus may be treated nonemergently, and surgical treatment is increasingly being performed using a laparoscopic approach.
Recently, a review of patients managed conservatively with chronic gastric volvulus were reported to have a high recurrence rate but very few serious complications.[17]
Contraindications for surgical treatment involve conditions or comorbidities in which the patient cannot tolerate general anesthesia. The surgeon should also use clinical judgment and make sure the patient is optimized and resuscitated prior to the operation.
Some have advocated consideration of emergent endoscopic reduction in the setting of acute gastric volvulus in patients who are high risk for surgery.[18] This strategy may allow the patient to be adequately resuscitated and medically optimized prior to definitive surgical repair.
Biochemical tests are usually not diagnostic; however, hyperamylasemia and elevated serum alkaline phosphatase have been reported.[19] There has also been a report of hyperamylasemia in gastric volvulus leading to a missed diagnosis of pancreatitis.[20]
Although the treatment of gastric volvulus is surgical, endoscopic reduction can be attempted in selected patients. There are some reports of endoscopic reduction in acute gastric volvulus,[18, 32, 33, 34] but the majority of cases describing endoscopic management pertain to chronic gastric volvulus.[29, 35, 36, 37] Such treatment can be accomplished by advancing the scope beyond the point of torsion and then rotating it to untwist the stomach. However, because of the chance of gastric perforation, endoscopic reduction should not be attempted in patients who appear clinically ill or are found to have vascular compromise during endoscopy.
Endoscopic reduction can be attempted in patients with multiple comorbid conditions who are poor candidates for surgery. One potential benefit of endoscopic reduction is that it may act as a temporizing measure in chronic and acute gastric volvulus, allowing the surgery to be performed on an elective basis and to allow medical optimization prior to surgery.[18, 29, 32] Failure to reduce the twist or evidence of strangulation necessitates surgery. Following endoscopic reduction, the use of single or double percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement in an attempt to decrease the incidence of recurrence has been reported.[35, 37]
Emergent surgical intervention is indicated for acute gastric volvulus and is still considered a surgical emergency by many surgeons. With chronic gastric volvulus, surgery is performed to prevent complications.
The principles associated with the treatment of gastric volvulus include decompression, reduction, and prevention of recurrence, which is best accomplished with surgical therapy.
Tanner described the surgical options for repair, including diaphragmatic hernia repair, simple gastropexy, gastropexy with division of the gastrocolic omentum, partial gastrectomy, fundoantral gastrogastrostomy, and repair of eventration of the diaphragm.[38]
There have been increased reports of the use of minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopy, for the treatment of gastric volvulus. These have the potential to decrease the morbidity associated with the open procedures.[28, 39, 40, 41]
Once the diagnosis of gastric volvulus is confirmed, the patient is resuscitated, medically optimized, and prepared for the operating room. Analgesics and antiemetics should be initiated. In adults, early gastric decompression with nasogastric tube placement is advocated but may be difficult if the gastroesophageal junction is obstructed.[22] Care should be taken when placing the nasogastric tube, as aggressive placement may cause perforation; this is especially true in the pediatric population and therefore is generally not advocated.[10]
Patients with signs of acute peritonitis are better explored through a midline incision. In all other cases, initial laparoscopic exploration should be attempted.
Gastric decompression is maintained until the return of bowel function. Pulmonary toilet and early ambulation are important postoperative measures.
Strangulation and necrosis are the most feared complications of gastric volvulus; they can be a life threatening and occur most commonly with organoaxial gastric volvulus (5-28% of cases).[6, 7] Gastric perforation occurs secondary to ischemia and necrosis and can result in sepsis and cardiovascular collapse. Perforation can also complicate endoscopic reduction.
Operative complications are similar to those seen in other conditions requiring major abdominal surgery; they range according to the series and type of surgery. Carlson et al performed a transabdominal open repair of intrathoracic chronic gastric volvulus in 44 patients, reporting a complication rate of 38%, including splenic injuries and wound complications, such as infection and dehiscence.[42] Haas et al reported on 138 patients with hiatal hernia, of which 21 had gastric volvulus. Ten of these 21 patients required emergent surgery.[43] The authors reported a 40% mortality rate and a 40% major morbidity rate.
Teague et al reported no major complications and no mortality in 36 patients, 29 of whom presented acutely with hiatal hernia and 13 of whom underwent laparoscopic repair.[28] Palanivelu et al reported on 14 patients who underwent laparoscopic suture gastropexy for gastric volvulus, reporting no perioperative complications or mortality.[39]
The nonoperative mortality rate for gastric volvulus is reportedly as high as 80%.[39] Historically, mortality rates of 30-50% have been reported for acute volvulus, with the major cause of death being strangulation, which can lead to necrosis and perforation.[6, 7, 28] With advances in diagnosis and management, the mortality rate from acute gastric volvulus is now 15-20% and for chronic gastric volvulus is 0-13%.[39, 44]
With advances in laparoscopic surgery, most cases of acute and chronic gastric volvulus can now be approached laparoscopically. In the absence of peritonitis or an unstable patient, most cases can be adequately treated in this way. There have been no randomized trials comparing open and laparoscopic surgery in the setting of gastric volvulus, but there have been several reports showing comparable or improved outcomes for acute and chronic gastric volvulus, compared with the traditional outcomes obtained with open surgery.[28, 39, 40]
Along with the advances in laparoscopic surgery, there have also been advances in therapeutic endoscopy, with several reports of endoscopic treatment of acute gastric volvulus.[18, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37] Increasingly, there have been reports of combined laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures in the treatment of gastric volvulus.[40, 45, 46]
In the future, laparoscopy and endoscopy will increasingly be used to treat gastric volvulus. Secondary to the high mortality associated with emergent operative repair of acute gastric volvulus and the typical poor clinical picture associated with patients, future considerations for treatment include emergent endoscopic reduction of the volvulus, allowing resuscitation and medical optimization prior to definitive operative repair.[18, 29]
Congenital defects Diaphragmatic defects - 43% Gastric ligaments - 32% Abnormal attachments, adhesions, or bands - 9% Asplenism - 5% Small and large bowel malformations - 4% Pyloric stenosis - 2% Colonic distension - 1% Rectal atresia - 1% Complicating gastroesophageal surgery ... Neuromuscular disorders Poliomyelitis
Diaphragmatic Defects Gastroesophageal surgery Neuromuscular Disorder Increased Intra-abdominal Pressure Conditions Leading to Diaphragmatic Elevation Hiatal hernia Posttraumatic Nissen fundoplication Total esophagectomyHighly selective vagotomyCoronary artery bypass graft Motor neuron disease PoliomyelitisMyotonic dystrophy Abdominal tumors Phrenic nerve palsy Left lung resectionIntrapleural adhesions