Pancoast Tumor (Pancoast Syndrome) Imaging


Practice Essentials

Pancoast tumors are neoplasms of pulmonary origin located at the apical pleuropulmonary groove (superior sulcus).[1, 2]  By direct extension, Pancoast tumors typically involve the lower trunks of the brachial plexus, intercostal nerves, stellate ganglion, adjacent ribs, and vertebrae. As a result, patients may present with severe pain, often of neuropathic characteristics radiating toward the ipsilateral upper extremity and accompanied with sympathetic symptoms (like the Horner syndrome) caused by invasion of the cervicothoracic sympathetic ganglion. These manifestations may appear months prior to the diagnosis of the underlining disease.[3, 4, 5, 6]

Pancoast syndrome is characterized by by ipsilateral shoulder and arm pain, paresthesias, paresis and atrophy of the thenar muscles of the hand, and Horner syndrome (ptosis, miosis, and anhidrosis).[7]

More than 95% of Pancoast tumors are non–small cell carcinomas, most commonly squamous cell carcinomas (52%) or adenocarcinomas and large cell carcinomas (approximately 23% for each subtype).[1]  Small cell carcinomas are seen in fewer than 5% of cases.[8]

Staging of Pancoast tumor involves the tumor, node, and metastasis (TNM) classification system, in which T indicates site and size of the primary tumor, N is related to nodal involvement according to site, and M indicates the presence or absence of distant metastases. These tumors are, at a minimum, T3N0M0 (T3 for chest wall invasion, stage IIB), and they are considered T4 lesions if the brachial plexus, mediastinal structures, or vertebral bodies are involved at the time of presentation. When supraclavicular nodes are involved, they are designated as N3 nodes, although they may be the first nodal station involved. Metastatic tumor in the ipsilateral nonprimary-tumor lobe of the lung or metastases to other organ systems is considered M1.[9]

(Pancoast tumors and their associated morbidities are presented in images below.)

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Pancoast tumor. A 53-year-old man with a 50 pack-year history of smoking began experiencing upper back pain for several weeks. PA chest radiograph sho....

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Pancoast tumor. Axial nonenhanced CT image of the upper dorsal spine demonstrates a soft tissue mass destroying the vertebra on the right and the righ....

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Pancoast tumor. Sagittal fast spin-echo T2-weighted MRI shows collapsed vertebrae and cord compression at C7, T1, and T2 caused by a soft tissue mass.....

Preferred examination

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is more accurate than computed tomography (CT) scanning and radiography in iidentification of the extent of tumor involvement and detection of invasion of adjacent organs (eg, vertebral bodies, brachial plexus, subclavian vessels).[10, 11, 12, 13] Histologic diagnosis is made in 95% of the cases by means of percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy with fluoroscopic, ultrasonographic, or CT scan localization.[5, 14, 15]  Among other considerations, CT scanning or MRI of the brain is recommended in the initial evaluation, because distant metastases to the brain are not infrequent, and diagnosis of these metastases is necessary for staging.[16, 6, 7]

Noninvasive preoperative evaluation of the mediastinum with CT or MRI is limited by substantial false-positive and false-negative results (30-40%, depending on the criteria used to define enlarged lymph nodes and the patient population). Positron emission tomography (PET) scanning and, possibly, surgical assessment of the mediastinum with lymph node sampling should be strongly considered before curative surgery is attempted.


Preoperative radiation therapy at doses of 2000-6500 cGy, followed by surgical resection, is the most common form of treatment for Pancoast tumors. The overall 5-year survival rate in patients treated with preoperative radiation therapy and surgery is reported to be 20-35%.[1, 17, 18, 6, 7]

Radiation therapy at a dose of 6000 cGy or greater has been used as a primary treatment modality for inoperable tumors, with successful palliation of pain in as many as 90% of patients. The reported 5-year survival rate is 0-29% in these patients, which is likely a result of extensive disease involvement at initial presentation.

The routine use of intraoperative and postoperative radiation therapy is not currently recommended, except in patients in whom unresectable tumors are found at the time of surgery.


Posteroanterior (PA) chest radiographs show unilateral apical opacity (as seen in the image below) or just asymmetry of the apices greater than 5 mm. Local rib destruction can sometimes be observed. Lordotic chest views can be beneficial, but the findings can also be misleading. In the early stages, Pancoast tumors are difficult to detect on PA chest radiographs because of the difficulty in interpreting overlying shadows at the apices.

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Pancoast tumor. A 53-year-old man with a 50 pack-year history of smoking began experiencing upper back pain for several weeks. PA chest radiograph sho....


Computed Tomography

CT scanning is best in demonstrating bony destruction (see the image below). MRI appears to be superior in demonstrating chest wall invasion. Also, the anatomy above the lung apex is better demonstrated on multiplanar MRI, because the nerves of the brachial plexus and blood vessels follow a horizontal and parallel course, meeting above the apex of the lung. In a study of 31 patients with superior pulmonary sulcus tumors,[10] CT scanning had a sensitivity of 60% and a specificity of 65%, with an overall accuracy of 63% in the evaluation of the extent of disease.

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Pancoast tumor. Axial nonenhanced CT image of the upper dorsal spine demonstrates a soft tissue mass destroying the vertebra on the right and the righ....


Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI provides superior delineation of the normal anatomy of the brachial plexus because of its multiplanar capabilities. The absence of streak artifact from bone and accurate identification of vessels are some of the advantages of MRI. It also has superior soft-tissue contrast, and it is more accurate than other methods in documenting or excluding brachial plexus involvement by the tumor.[19]

Compared with other techniques, MRI is more accurate in the evaluation of extension to the vertebral body, spinal canal, brachial plexus, and subclavian artery. This advantage is important, because vertebral body, spinal canal, and upper brachial plexus invasion are contraindications to surgical resection.

In a study of 31 patients with Pancoast tumors, MRI had a sensitivity of 88%, a specificity of 100%, and an overall accuracy of 94%.[10]

(See the images below.)

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Pancoast tumor. Sagittal fast spin-echo T2-weighted MRI shows collapsed vertebrae and cord compression at C7, T1, and T2 caused by a soft tissue mass.....

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Pancoast tumor. Sagittal gradient-echo T2-weighted MRI demonstrates a soft tissue mass involving C7, T1, and T2, with collapse of the vertebrae and mo....

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Pancoast tumor. Axial T1-weighted image shows cord compression caused by a large, enhancing mass. The right subclavian artery is not involved.



Some researchers have suggested that all patients with Pancoast tumors should undergo ultrasonographic examination of the ipsilateral scalene area and that percutaneous biopsy should be performed on nodes with a transverse diameter greater than 1 cm. The purpose of these studies is to assist in staging of the disease. The use of a sector ultrasonographic unit with a supraclavicular approach has been useful in guiding needle aspirations,, with a yield for pathologic diagnosis in 91% of cases.[5, 14, 15]

What are Pancoast tumors?What is Pancoast syndrome?How are Pancoast tumors characterized?How are Pancoast tumors staged?Which imaging modalities are used in the initial diagnosis of Pancoast tumors?What is the accuracy of imaging for the preoperative evaluation of Pancoast tumors?What is the role of radiation therapy in the treatment of Pancoast tumors?What is the role of chest radiography in the workup of Pancoast tumors?What is the role of CT scans in the workup of Pancoast tumors?What is the role of MRI in the workup of Pancoast tumors?What is the role of ultrasonography in the workup of Pancoast tumors?


Melanie Guerrero, MD, Consulting Staff, Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Walter Reed Army Medical Center

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.


Scott C Williams, MD, Section Chief, Nuclear Medicine Associate Attending Radiologist, Advanced Radiology Consultants, Bridgeport Hospital

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Specialty Editors

Bernard D Coombs, MB, ChB, PhD, Consulting Staff, Department of Specialist Rehabilitation Services, Hutt Valley District Health Board, New Zealand

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Chief Editor

Eugene C Lin, MD, Attending Radiologist, Teaching Coordinator for Cardiac Imaging, Radiology Residency Program, Virginia Mason Medical Center; Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology, University of Washington School of Medicine

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Additional Contributors

Judith K Amorosa, MD, FACR, Clinical Professor of Radiology and Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Medical Education, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.


  1. Davis GA, Knight SR. Pancoast tumors. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2008 Oct. 19(4):545-57, v-vi. [View Abstract]
  2. Foroulis CN, Zarogoulidis P, Darwiche K, Katsikogiannis N, Machairiotis N, Karapantzos I, et al. Superior sulcus (Pancoast) tumors: current evidence on diagnosis and radical treatment. J Thorac Dis. 2013 Sep. 5 Suppl 4:S342-58. [View Abstract]
  3. Sayeed A, Alshamrani FMM, Amrayn AY, Alharbi A. Shoulder pain in smokers could be a life changer. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Jun 13. 2017:[View Abstract]
  4. Shanmugathas N, Rajwani KM, Dev S. Pancoast tumour presenting as shoulder pain with Horner's syndrome. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Jan 24. 12 (1):[View Abstract]
  5. Ekiz T, Kermenli T, Pazarlı AC, Akarsu E, Yalçınöz K. Ultrasonographic Imaging of a Pancoast Tumor Presenting with Breakthrough Pain and Not Visualized by Plane Radiograph. Pain Med. 2016 Dec. 17 (12):2437-2438. [View Abstract]
  6. Palumbo VD, Fazzotta S, Fatica F, D'Orazio B, Caronia FP, Cajozzo M, et al. Pancoast tumour: current therapeutic options. Clin Ter. 2019 Jul-Aug. 170 (4):e291-e294. [View Abstract]
  7. Villgran VD, Cherian SV. Pancoast Syndrome. 2019 Jan. [View Abstract]
  8. Fontinele e Silva J, Barbosa Mde P, Viegas CL. Small cell carcinoma in Pancoast syndrome. J Bras Pneumol. 2009 Feb. 35(2):190-3. [View Abstract]
  9. Deslauriers J, Gregoire J. Clinical and surgical staging of non-small cell lung cancer. Chest. 2000 Apr. 117(4 Suppl 1):96S-103S. [View Abstract]
  10. Heelan RT, Demas BE, Caravelli JF, et al. Superior sulcus tumors: CT and MR imaging. Radiology. 1989 Mar. 170(3 Pt 1):637-41. [View Abstract]
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  12. Manenti G, Raguso M, D'Onofrio S, Altobelli S, Scarano AL, Vasili E, et al. Pancoast tumor: the role of magnetic resonance imaging. Case Rep Radiol. 2013. 2013:479120. [View Abstract]
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  17. Kuraishi H, Yamashita J, Tsuchiya Y, Kokubu F, Takizawa K. [A case of lung adenocarcinoma of pancoast type successfully treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 2009 Feb. 36(2):291-3. [View Abstract]
  18. Detterbeck FC. Changes in the treatment of Pancoast tumors. Ann Thorac Surg. 2003 Jun. 75(6):1990-7. [View Abstract]
  19. Manenti G, Raguso M, D'Onofrio S, Altobelli S, Scarano AL, Vasili E, et al. Pancoast tumor: the role of magnetic resonance imaging. Case Rep Radiol. 2013. 2013:479120. [View Abstract]
  20. Ekiz T, Kermenli T, Pazarlı AC, Akarsu E, Yalçınöz K. Ultrasonographic Imaging of a Pancoast Tumor Presenting with Breakthrough Pain and Not Visualized by Plane Radiograph. Pain Med. 2016 Dec. 17 (12):2437-2438. [View Abstract]

Pancoast tumor. A 53-year-old man with a 50 pack-year history of smoking began experiencing upper back pain for several weeks. PA chest radiograph shows asymmetry of the apices (superior sulcus). The right apex is more opaque than the left. When the image is enlarged, the partially destroyed second and third right posterior ribs near the costovertebral junction can be seen.

Pancoast tumor. Axial nonenhanced CT image of the upper dorsal spine demonstrates a soft tissue mass destroying the vertebra on the right and the right posterior elements, including the pedicle and part of the posterior spinous process.

Pancoast tumor. Sagittal fast spin-echo T2-weighted MRI shows collapsed vertebrae and cord compression at C7, T1, and T2 caused by a soft tissue mass.

Pancoast tumor. A 53-year-old man with a 50 pack-year history of smoking began experiencing upper back pain for several weeks. PA chest radiograph shows asymmetry of the apices (superior sulcus). The right apex is more opaque than the left. When the image is enlarged, the partially destroyed second and third right posterior ribs near the costovertebral junction can be seen.

Pancoast tumor. Axial nonenhanced CT image of the upper dorsal spine demonstrates a soft tissue mass destroying the vertebra on the right and the right posterior elements, including the pedicle and part of the posterior spinous process.

Pancoast tumor. Sagittal fast spin-echo T2-weighted MRI shows collapsed vertebrae and cord compression at C7, T1, and T2 caused by a soft tissue mass.

Pancoast tumor. Sagittal gradient-echo T2-weighted MRI demonstrates a soft tissue mass involving C7, T1, and T2, with collapse of the vertebrae and moderate cord compression.

Pancoast tumor. Axial T1-weighted image shows cord compression caused by a large, enhancing mass. The right subclavian artery is not involved.

Pancoast tumor. A 53-year-old man with a 50 pack-year history of smoking began experiencing upper back pain for several weeks. PA chest radiograph shows asymmetry of the apices (superior sulcus). The right apex is more opaque than the left. When the image is enlarged, the partially destroyed second and third right posterior ribs near the costovertebral junction can be seen.

Pancoast tumor. Axial nonenhanced CT image of the upper dorsal spine demonstrates a soft tissue mass destroying the vertebra on the right and the right posterior elements, including the pedicle and part of the posterior spinous process.

Pancoast tumor. Sagittal fast spin-echo T2-weighted MRI shows collapsed vertebrae and cord compression at C7, T1, and T2 caused by a soft tissue mass.

Pancoast tumor. Sagittal gradient-echo T2-weighted MRI demonstrates a soft tissue mass involving C7, T1, and T2, with collapse of the vertebrae and moderate cord compression.

Pancoast tumor. Axial T1-weighted image shows cord compression caused by a large, enhancing mass. The right subclavian artery is not involved.