Headache, Cluster



Lori K Sargeant, MD, Consulting Staff, Summa Emergency Associates, Inc

Nothing to disclose.


Michelle Blanda, MD,, Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Summa Health System Akron City/St. Thomas Hospital; Professor of Emergency Medicine, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine

Nothing to disclose.

Specialty Editor(s)

Edward A Michelson, MD, Associate Professor, Program Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, University Hospital Health Systems in Cleveland

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Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD, Senior Pharmacy Editor, eMedicine

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J Stephen Huff, MD, Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine and Neurology, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center

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John D Halamka, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Chief Information Officer, CareGroup Healthcare System and Harvard Medical School; Attending Physician, Division of Emergency Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

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Chief Editor

Steven C Dronen, MD, FAAEM, Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, LeConte Medical Center

Nothing to disclose.


Cluster headache, also known as histamine headache, is a form of neurovascular headache. Attacks usually are severe and unilateral and typically are located at the temple and periorbital region. The pain is typically associated with ipsilateral lacrimation, nasal congestion, conjunctival injection, miosis, ptosis, and lid edema. Each headache is brief in duration, typically lasting a few moments to 2 hours. Cluster refers to a grouping of headaches, usually over a period of several weeks. To fulfill criteria for diagnosis, patients must have had at least 5 attacks occurring from 1 every other day to 8 per day and no other cause for the headache.

The 2 existing forms of cluster headache are (1) episodic clusters with at least 2 cluster phases lasting 7 days to 1 year separated by a cluster-free interval of 1 month or longer, and (2) chronic form, in which the clusters occur more than once a year without remission or the cluster-free interval is less than 1 month.


The pathophysiology of cluster headaches is not well understood. Some proposed mechanisms are described here.

Hemodynamic: Vascular dilatation may play a role, but blood flow studies are inconsistent. Extracranial blood flow (hyperthermia and increased temporal artery blood flow) increases but following the onset of pain. Vascular change is considered secondary to primary neuronal discharge.

Trigeminal nerve: The trigeminal nerve may be responsible for neuronal discharge causing cluster headaches. Substance P neurons carry sensory and motor impulses in the maxillary and ophthalmic divisions of the nerve. These connect with the sphenopalatine ganglion and interior carotid perivascular sympathetic plexus. Somatostatin inhibits substance P and reduces the duration and intensity of cluster headaches.

Autonomic nervous system: Sympathetic (eg, Horner syndrome, forehead sweating) and parasympathetic (eg, lacrimation, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion) effects occur.

Circadian rhythm: Cluster headaches often recur at the same time every day, suggesting that the hypothalamus, which controls circadian rhythms, may be the site of activation.

Serotonin: This is not as striking as in migraines, but some changes are seen.

Histamine: Although evidence supporting a causative role is inconsistent, cluster headaches may be precipitated with small amounts of histamine. Antihistamines do not abort cluster headaches.

Mast cells: Increased numbers of mast cells have been found in the skin of painful areas of some patients, but this finding is inconsistent.



United States

Incidence is estimated to be 2-9% of migraine sufferers, making it relatively uncommon compared with classic migraines. Prevalence in males is 0.4-1%.


Incidence in the United Kingdom is equivalent to that of multiple sclerosis.


No reported mortality is directly associated with cluster headaches, although suicides have been reported in cases where attacks are frequent and severe. The intensity of the attacks often leads those who experience cluster headaches to miss time from activities such as work or school.


Cluster headaches may be underdiagnosed in black women, but ethnic differences have not been studied.


This condition is more common in males than in females. The male-to-female ratio was 6:1 in the 1960s but now is 2:1.


Cluster headaches usually begin in middle adult life. The mean age of onset is 30 years for men and later for women.


No aura exists as in migraines. Periodicity is the most striking characteristic. Typically, a patient experiences 1-2 cluster periods per year, each lasting 2-3 months.


Physical examination findings should be normal except for the lacrimation and conjunctival injection that may occur. Ptosis can also be seen. Accompanying findings are consistent with ipsilateral autonomic features characterized by cranial parasympathetic activation and sympathetic hypofunction. The presence of other abnormalities suggests another etiology for the headache.


Provocation of cluster headache attacks

Laboratory Studies

Imaging Studies

Emergency Department Care

Treatment of cluster headache is as follows.

Diagnosis and treatment guidelines are available from the American College of Emergency Physicians and National Headache Foundation.[4, 3]


Neurologic consultation may be useful if the diagnosis is in doubt or for management of difficult cases.

Medication Summary

The goal of pharmacotherapy is to prevent the attack or alter it once it is underway. An accurate diagnosis is required when therapy is being considered.

5-HT1 receptor agonists such as sumatriptan or dihydroergotamine (DHE) with metoclopramide are often the first line of treatment. Parenteral opiates may be used if relief is inadequate. Antihistamines, such as chlorpromazine, do not appear to be helpful in relieving cluster headache symptoms. Tricyclic antidepressants are more helpful as prophylaxis of other headache syndromes. Beta-blockers may worsen bradycardia occurring during the cluster attack.

Class Summary

These agents are effective for cluster headaches that do not respond to lithium. They are intended for intermittent use during acute flare-ups. High doses of corticosteroids can ease pain within 8-12 h, with maximum effectiveness in 2-3 d.

Prednisone (Sterapred)

Clinical Context:  May suppress factors producing headaches. Should be used for short-lasting cluster attacks and not for prolonged therapy. More than 50% of patients show improvement.

Class Summary

These agents are used to treat cluster headaches and emesis associated with acute attacks.

Prochlorperazine (Compazine)

Clinical Context:  Antidopaminergic drug that blocks postsynaptic mesolimbic dopamine receptors, has anticholinergic effect, and can depress reticular activating system, possibly responsible for relieving nausea and vomiting.

Class Summary

Lithium has been suggested as a therapy option because of the cyclical nature of cluster headaches, which is similar to the cyclical episodes in bipolar disorders.

Lithium (Eskalith)

Clinical Context:  Used to treat episodic and chronic cluster headache attacks. Mechanism of action unknown, although stabilization of biologic membranes may occur. Patients with chronic syndrome more responsive. Tendency for effect to wane after dramatic relief in first week.

Class Summary

These agents may be most effective at prophylaxis.[2]

Verapamil (Calan, Covera)

Clinical Context:  Can be combined with ergotamine or lithium. Others, including nimodipine and diltiazem, also reported to be effective.

Class Summary

These agents may alleviate headache pain by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis, reducing serotonin release, and blocking platelet aggregation. Although the effects of NSAIDs in the treatment of headache pain tend to be patient specific, ibuprofen is usually the DOC for the initial therapy. Other options include naproxen, ketoprofen, and ketorolac.

Indomethacin (Indocin)

Clinical Context:  Absorbed rapidly; metabolism occurs in liver by demethylation, deacetylation, and glucuronide conjugation.

Useful in diagnosis because it helps other headache syndromes (eg, chronic paroxysmal hemicrania).

Ketorolac (Toradol)

Clinical Context:  Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by decreasing activity of enzyme cyclooxygenase, which results in decreased formation of prostaglandin precursors.

Ketorolac intranasal (Sprix)

Clinical Context:  NSAID; inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX), an early component of the arachidonic acid cascade, resulting in reduced synthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and prostacyclin. Elicits anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic effects. Indicated for short-term (up to 5 d) management of moderate to moderately severe pain. Bioavailability of 31.5-mg intranasal dose (2 sprays) is approximately 60% of 30-mg IM dose. Intranasal spray delivers 15.75 mg per 100-µL spray; each 1.7-g bottle contains 8 sprays.

Class Summary

These are direct vasoconstrictors of smooth muscle in cranial blood vessels. Their activity depends on CNS vascular tone at the time of administration.

Dihydroergotamine (D.H.E. 45 injection, Migranal)

Clinical Context:  More effective when given early in cluster attack. Has alpha-adrenergic antagonist and serotonin antagonist effects.

Ergotamine tartrate (Cafergot, Cafatine, Cafetrate)

Clinical Context:  Has alpha-adrenergic antagonist and serotonin antagonist effects. Causes constriction of peripheral and cranial blood vessels. Oral administration of ergotamine not as effective as inhaled or sublingual routes in treatment of acute cluster attacks.

Class Summary

Stimulation of 5-HT1 receptors produces a direct vasoconstrictive effect and may abort the attack.

Eletriptan (Relpax)

Clinical Context:  Selective serotonin agonist. Specifically acts at 5-hydroxytryptamine 1B/1D/1F (5-HT1B/1D/1F) receptors on intracranial blood vessels and sensory nerve endings to relieve pain associated with acute migraine.

Almotriptan (Axert)

Clinical Context:  Used to treat acute migraine. Selective 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonist. Results in cranial vessel constriction, inhibition of neuropeptide release, and reduced pain transmission in trigeminal pathways.

Frovatriptan (Frova)

Clinical Context:  Selective 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonist. Results in cranial vessel constriction, inhibition of neuropeptide release, and reduced pain transmission in trigeminal pathways. Has unique characteristics and benefits in the acute treatment of migraine. Studies demonstrate prolonged presence of frovatriptan in bloodstream, and few migraine patients experienced recurrence of headache within 24 h of taking frovatriptan.

Sumatriptan succinate (Imitrex)

Clinical Context:  Selective agonist for serotonin 5-HT1 receptors in cranial arteries. Suppresses inflammation associated with migraine headaches.

Zolmitriptan (Zomig, Zomig-ZMT)

Clinical Context:  As selective agonists of serotonin 5-HT1 receptors in cranial arteries, cause vasoconstriction and reduce inflammation associated with antidromic neuronal transmission in cluster headache. Can reduce severity of headache within 15 min of SC injection.

Naratriptan (Amerge, Naramig)

Clinical Context:  As selective agonists of serotonin 5-HT1 receptors in cranial arteries, cause vasoconstriction and reduce inflammation associated with antidromic neuronal transmission in cluster headache. Can reduce severity of headache within 15 min of SC injection.

Rizatriptan (Maxalt, Maxalt-MLT)

Clinical Context:  Selective agonist for serotonin 5-HT1 receptors in cranial arteries and suppresses the inflammation associated with migraine headaches.

Further Outpatient Care





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  2. Beck E, Sieber WJ, Trejo R. Management of cluster headache. Am Fam Physician. Feb 15 2005;71(4):717-24.[View Abstract]
  3. [Guideline] Biondi D, Mendes P. Treatment of primary headache: cluster headache. In: Standards of care for headache diagnosis and treatment. Chicago (IL): National Headache Foundation. 2004;
  4. [Guideline] Edlow JA, Panagos PD, Godwin SA, Thomas TL, Decker WW. Clinical policy: critical issues in the evaluation and management of adult patients presenting to the emergency department with acute headache. Ann Emerg Med. Oct 2008;52(4):407-36.[View Abstract]
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