Protein Intolerance



Many food proteins can act as antigens in humans. Cow's milk proteins are most frequently implicated as a cause of food intolerance during infancy. Soybean protein ranks second as an antigen in the first months of life, particularly in infants with primary cow's milk intolerance who are placed on a soy formula. From school age on, egg protein intolerance becomes more prevalent.

Several clinical reactions to food proteins have been reported in children and adults. Only a few of these have a clear allergic immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated pathogenesis. For this reason, the term "food protein intolerance" is usually preferred to "food protein allergy," in order to include all offending specific reactions to food proteins, no matter the pathogenesis.[1] In children, GI symptoms are generally most common, with a frequency ranging from 50-80%, followed by cutaneous symptoms (20-40%), and respiratory symptoms (4-25%).


The major food allergens are water-soluble glycoproteins (molecular weight [MW], 10,000-60,000) that are resistant to heat, acid, and enzymes. Many food allergens have been identified, but milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, soy, wheat, and crustacean shellfishes account for 90% of significant reactions.[2] All these foods contain proteins with a small molecular weight, an abundance of epitopes, water solubility, glycosylation residues, and relative resistance to heat and digestion.[3]

Cow's milk contains more than 20 protein fractions. In the curd, 4 caseins (ie, S1, S2, S3, S4) can be identified that account for about 80% of the milk proteins. The remaining 20% of the proteins, essentially globular proteins (eg, lactalbumin, lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin), are contained in the whey. Casein is often considered poorly immunogenic because of its flexible, noncompact structure. Historically, lactoglobulin has been accepted as the major allergen in cow's milk protein intolerance. However, polysensitization to several proteins is observed in about 75% of patients with allergy to cow's milk protein.

The proteins most frequently and most intensively recognized by specific IgE are the lactoglobulin and the casein fraction. However, all milk proteins appear to be potential allergens, even those that are present in milk in trace amounts (eg, serum bovine albumin, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin). In each allergen, numerous epitopes can be recognized by specific IgE presence. Cow's milk proteins introduced with maternal diet can be transferred to the human milk. Many studies have focused on the presence of bovine lactoglobulin throughout human lactation. The GI tract is permeable to intact antigens. The antigen uptake is an endocytotic process that involves intracellular lysosomes.

Cow's milk proteins introduced with maternal diet can be transferred to the human milk. Many studies have focused on the presence of bovine lactoglobulin throughout human lactation.

Studies have demonstrated that food allergens are transported in large quantities across the epithelium by binding to cell surface IgE/CD23, which opens a gate for intact dietary allergens to transcytose across the epithelial cells that protect the antigenic protein from lysosomal degradation in enterocytes.

Some antigens can move through intercellular gaps; however, the penetration of antigens through the mucosal barrier is not usually associated with clinical symptoms. Under normal circumstances, food antigen exposure via the GI tract results in a local immunoglobulin A (IgA) response and in an activation of suppressor CD8+ lymphocytes that reside in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (oral tolerance). Antigen uptake has been found to be increased in children with gastroenteritis and with cow's milk allergy.

Numerous studies have implicated the integrity of the skin and mucosal barrier in protecting against sensitization. In some children who are genetically susceptible, or for other as-of-yet-unknown reasons, oral tolerance does not develop, and different immunologic and inflammatory mechanisms can be elicited.[4] Whether nonimmunologic mechanisms can have a role in the development of specific intolerances to food proteins is still disputed.

Some evidence suggests that reduced microbial exposure during infancy and early childhood result in a slower postnatal maturation of the immune system through a reduction of the number of T regulatory (Treg) cells and a possible delay in the progression to an optimal balance between TH1 and TH2 immunity, which is crucial to the clinical expression of allergy and asthma (hygiene hypothesis). Genetic variations in receptors for bacterial products are likely to be related to allergic sensitizations. On the other hand, intestinal infections may increase paracellular permeability, allowing the absorption of food proteins without epithelial processing. As a consequence, infectious exposures can be an important contributory factor in the pathogenesis of food protein allergies.

Food protein intolerance can be IgE-mediated or non-IgE-mediated. Local production and systemic distribution of specific reaginic IgE plays a significant role in IgE-mediated reactions to food proteins.

Morphologic studies have demonstrated the role of GI T lymphocytes (ie, intraepithelial lymphocytes) in the pathogenesis of GI food allergy. The pathogenetic role of the eosinophils in food-induced eosinophilic GI diseases has not been defined. Vast evidence describes the occurrence of immunoglobulin G (IgG) food protein antibodies. However, their actual role in the pathogenesis of clinically relevant symptoms is, at best, doubtful.

A potentially important factor in the response of the immune system to a specific food antigen is microbiota. In humans, differences in the intestinal flora of allergic versus nonallergic children have been observed.[5]

Non–immune-mediated Reactions

Non–immune-mediated reactions include the following:

Immune-mediated (Food Allergy) Reactions

Immune-mediated (food allergy) reactions include the following:

Autoimmune Reactions

Innate and adaptive immunity reactions (ie, Celiac disease) are noted.



United States

In a national survey of pediatric allergists, the prevalence rate of cow's milk allergy in 1997-1999 was reported to be 3.4%, whereas the prevalence rate of soy protein allergy was 1.1%. During the 10-year period of 1997-2006, food allergy rates significantly increased among both preschool-aged and older children. This trend continued in the following years. According to the data from the National Center for Health Statistics, the prevalence of food allergies increased to 5,1% in 2009-2011 and increased with the increase of income level.[6]


Incidence of food allergy in children has been variously estimated at 0.3-8%, and the incidence decreases with age. Food allergies affect 6-8% of infants younger than 2 years. In a cohort of 1,749 newborns from the municipality of Odense in Denmark who were prospectively monitored for the development of cow's milk protein intolerance during the first year of life, a 1-year incidence of 2.2% was reported.[7]

Varying incidences of specific intolerances have been reported in different countries. Whether these differences are due to genetic or cultural factors is unclear.[8]

To evaluate the prevalence of food allergy among different countries in Europe, the EuroPrevall project was launched in June 2005. Subsequently, the EuroPrevall-INCO project has been developed to evaluate the prevalence of food allergies in China, India, and Russia.[9]


Most of the cases of food protein intolerance can be resolved with dietary management. A few cases of severe anaphylactic reactions to food proteins have been reported. A report from the United Kingdom suggests an incidence of 0.22 severe cases per 100.000 children per year (15% of cases were fatal or near fatal).[10]


No race predilection has been observed.


No sex predilection is known, but males are slightly more frequently affected with eosinophilic gastroenteritis.


Gastrointestinal food protein intolerance is mainly a problem in infancy and early childhood. Cow's milk allergy or intolerance usually develops in early infancy. In most of the cases, the onset of symptoms is closely related to the time of introduction of formula based on cow's milk.

In a prospective study from Norway, the prevalence of atopic dermatitis in the first 2 years was 18.6% with no significant difference between preterm and term children. Adverse reactions to food were found in 15.8% (a similar prevalence in premature and term children). Mode of delivery did not affect prevalence of atopic dermatitis.[11] An example is shown in the image below.

View Image

Typical atopic dermatitis on the face of an infant.

An unselected prospective study indicated that 42% of infants who developed cow's milk protein intolerance were symptomatic within 7 days (70% within 4 wk) following the introduction of cow's milk.[12] Cow's milk protein intolerance has been diagnosed in 1.9-2.8% of general populations of infants aged 2 years or younger in different countries of northern Europe, but incidence fell to approximately 0.3% in children older than 3 years.

Protein intolerance is generally believed to remit by age 5 years, when the infant's mucosal immune system matures and the child becomes immunologically tolerant of milk proteins; in most affected children, symptoms resolve by age 1-2 years. However, cow's milk protein intolerance may persist or may initially manifest in older children, demonstrating characteristic endoscopic and histopathologic features; it occasionally recurs in adults.

Studies have suggested increased persistence of food allergies (albeit ones possibly affected by selection bias); possible explanations have been primarily focused on peanut intolerance.[13]


Numerous symptoms can be a consequence of food protein intolerance. GI manifestations are the most common clinical presentation, usually without involvement of other organ systems. Most cases of food protein intolerance in the pediatric population occur in the first months of life as a consequence of cow's milk protein intolerance.

The typical history is that of an infant younger than 6 months who is fed for a few weeks with formula and who then develops diarrhea and, eventually, vomiting. In the case of the common enterocolitis syndrome, the infant can become dehydrated and lose weight. In the rare instance of cow's milk enteropathy, a malabsorption syndrome develops, with growth failure and hypoalbuminemia. On the other hand, the common food-induced proctocolitis syndrome is characterized by diarrhea in a healthy infant without any weight loss.

Food allergic reactions may be divided into quick-onset reactions, which occur within an hour of food ingestion and are usually immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated (eg, skin rashes, urticaria, angioedema, wheezing, anaphylaxis), and slow-onset reactions, which take hours or days to develop and are usually non–IgE-mediated.

The most common and specific symptoms of food protein intolerance are as follows:

GI symptoms

Dermatologic symptoms

Respiratory symptoms

These symptoms include rhinitis and asthma.

General symptoms

Anaphylaxis due to cow's milk protein intolerance is a rare but well-described event. The child, usually a young infant, suddenly becomes pale and cold and sweats. The child usually presents with urticaria or angioedema and goes into shock within minutes after milk ingestion. Anaphylaxis following ingestion of soy protein is exceptionally rare, even though a survey in Sweden identified 4 cases of death caused by soy protein anaphylaxis.[37]

Nonspecific symptoms

Many more nonspecific GI reactions have been ascribed to food allergy, including oral aphthae, pyloric stenosis, and bowel edema and obstruction. For most of these manifestations, a clear correlation with an immune reaction to foods has never been established.


Usually, the GI manifestations are isolated, without any sign of atopic dermatitis, urticaria, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, or wheezing.


Many food proteins can act as an antigen in humans. Cow's milk proteins are most frequently implicated as a cause of food intolerance during infancy. Soybean protein is the second most frequent antigen in the first months of life, particularly in infants with primary cow's milk intolerance.

Laboratory Studies

Skin test responses to cow's milk or other food proteins and detection of food-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies are usually positive in children with IgE-mediated food allergy. However, most of the food protein intolerances are not IgE-mediated. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, oral food challenge is the ideal method for confirming histories of adverse reactions to food proteins. However, this approach is rarely used in clinical practice.

In addition, even double-blind, placebo-controlled challenges can have pitfalls. Encapsulated food extracts minimize the potential to elicit oral, esophageal, or airway reactions and could also result in increased risk because absorption of food might be delayed.[38]

The following tests are indicated in assessing food protein intolerance:

Specific clinical pictures are provided by the following:


The following procedures may be indicated:

Upper and lower GI endoscopies

Usually, the clinical picture and the history are clear, and the recommended diagnostic process (see Laboratory Studies above) does not require performance of endoscopic procedures. However, endoscopy may be part of the differential diagnostic workup in cases in which clinical doubt is acknowledged.


In allergic eosinophilic esophagitis, esophageal biopsy reveals infiltration of the mucosa and submucosa with eosinophils.

In allergic eosinophilic gastritis, gastric biopsy reveals marked infiltration of the mucosa and submucosa with eosinophils (especially in the gastric antrum).

In allergic eosinophilic gastroenteritis, diagnosis requires a biopsy specimen that reveals an eosinophilic infiltration of the mucosa and submucosa. Unfortunately, no standards for making the histologic diagnosis are available. In infants and children without GI symptoms, eosinophilic counts in the gastric fundus and antrum are consistently low, but in the terminal ileum, cecum, and proximal colon, eosinophil counts as high as 30 per high-power field can be detected.

In enterocolitis syndrome, the jejunal biopsy reveals villous atrophy and infiltration by lymphocytes, eosinophils, and mast cells.

In nonceliac food-induced enteropathy, the findings of the jejunal biopsy are similar to those in celiac disease but usually are less pronounced. A varying degree of villous atrophy is present with crypt hyperplasia and lymphocytic infiltration of the lamina propria. Often, the lesions have a patchy distribution, observed especially in the last few years. Several studies have detected increased numbers of IgE plasmocytes in biopsy specimens of patients with cow's milk protein intolerance.

Histologic Findings

See Procedures.

Medical Care

The definitive treatment of food protein intolerance is strict elimination of the offending food from the diet.

Breastfeeding is the first choice in infants without lactose intolerance. The mother should eliminate cow's milk (and eventually eggs and fish or other implicated foods) from her diet.

As many as 50% of children affected by cow's milk protein intolerance develop soy protein intolerance if they are fed with soy-based formulas. Therefore, soy-based formulas should not be used for the treatment of cow's milk protein intolerance. Use complete milk protein hydrolysates in infants who cannot be breastfed. Partially hydrolyzed formulas are absolutely not indicated in children with cow's milk protein intolerance. Occasionally, children may develop intolerance toward complete hydrolysated formulas. In these cases, use amino acid–based formulas, which are now widely available and are balanced in trace elements and vitamins.

Eosinophilic gastroenteritis can show clinical and histologic improvement after oral corticosteroid therapy. Topical steroids, administered as inhaled corticosteroids, have also shown beneficial effect.

Consensus recommendations for eosinophilic esophagitis in children and adults by a multidisciplinary group of experts[43] and management guidelines by ESPGHAN[40] agree that treatment involves dietary therapy of 3 possible regimens: strict use of amino acid-based formula, dietary restriction based on allergy testing, or dietary restriction based on eliminating the most likely food antigens. 

The elemental diet (aminoacid-based formulas) and 6-food elimination diet (withdrawing cow´s milk, wheat, egg, soy, nuts and fish/seafood for 6 weeks) appear to be the more efficacious treatment. However, the high level of restriction (and the need for multiple endoscopies) discourage many patients. A new strategy, starting with a 2-food elimination diet (without animal milk and gluten-containing cereals), followed by a 4-food (animal milk, gluten-containing cereals, egg, legumes), and eventually by a 6-food elimination diet in case of failure, may be better tolerated.[44]

Swallowed topical steroids (fluticasone propionate or oral viscous budesonide for a minimum of 4 wk and a maximum of 12 wk) should be considered as a treatment option either alone or in combination with an elimination diet.[45]  Treatment with cromolyn sodium, leukotriene receptor antagonists, anti-TNF agents, antibodies against immunoglobulin E (IgE), or interleukin (IL)-5 (reslizumab) and immunosuppressive agents cannot be recommended for treatment in children with eosinophilic esophagitis.[46]  

Administration of food allergens as immunotherapy carries a greater risk of adverse and potentially severe allergic reactions compared with the administration of inhalant allergens.[47, 48] Based largely on the clinical experience published in European trials, the general impression is that food allergen exposure through the oral or sublingual routes is less risky than through the subcutaneous route, but this perception has yet to be definitively demonstrated.

Recombinant monoclonal humanized anti-immunoglobulin E (IgE) therapy has been approved for the treatment of asthma with associated environmental allergies, but the response can vary with food allergies.

A 9-herb formula based on traditional Chinese medicine is currently under investigation as a treatment for food allergy.[49]

Although probiotics might have a role in the treatment of food allergy by promoting gut barrier integrity, suppressing intestinal inflammatory responses, and inducing IgA production and tolerogenic immune responses, no evidence suggests that such an approach is effective for induction of tolerance in the clinical setting.[38]  

Current evidence indicates that probiotic treatment does not modify the natural course of food allergy.[42]  However, 4 children treated with Lactobacillus rhamnosus without food restrictions showed a resolution of their symptoms within 7-28 days.[50]    

Medication Summary

Topical or orally and intranasally inhaled corticosteroids are used to treat dermatologic or respiratory symptoms associated with protein intolerance. Antihistamines and inhaled bronchodilatators are used as appropriate for mild cases of immediate hypersensitivity. In severe anaphylactic reactions, intramuscular epinephrine can be life-saving.

Triamcinolone topical (Aristocort)

Clinical Context:  Treats inflammatory dermatosis responsive to steroids. Decreases inflammation by suppressing migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and reversing capillary permeability.

Hydrocortisone topical (Cortaid, Dermacort, Westcort, CortaGel)

Clinical Context:  Adrenocorticosteroid derivative suitable for application to skin or external mucous membranes. Has mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid effects resulting in anti-inflammatory activity.

Class Summary

These agents have anti-inflammatory properties and cause profound and varied metabolic effects. They modify the body's immune response to diverse stimuli.

Beclomethasone, inhaled (Qvar, Qvar RediHaler)

Clinical Context:  Inhibits bronchoconstriction mechanisms. Produces direct smooth muscle relaxation. May decrease number and activity of inflammatory cells, in turn decreasing airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation.


The following should be considered in food protein intolerance:


See the list below:


Agostino Nocerino, MD, PhD, Chief of Pediatric Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Udine, Italy

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.


Stefano Guandalini, MD, Founder and Medical Director, Celiac Disease Center, Chief, Section of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, University of Chicago Medical Center; Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Section of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University of Chicago Division of the Biological Sciences, The Pritzker School of Medicine

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Specialty Editors

Mary L Windle, PharmD, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Editor-in-Chief, Medscape Drug Reference

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

David A Piccoli, MD, Chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Professor, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Chief Editor

Carmen Cuffari, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology/Nutrition, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Disclosure: Received honoraria from Prometheus Laboratories for speaking and teaching; Received honoraria from Abbott Nutritionals for speaking and teaching. for: Abbott Nutritional, Abbvie, speakers' bureau.

Additional Contributors

Chris A Liacouras, MD, Director of Pediatric Endoscopy, Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.


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Typical atopic dermatitis on the face of an infant.

Typical atopic dermatitis on the face of an infant.