Median Neuropathy



Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common focal peripheral neuropathy. CTS is caused by entrapment of the median nerve at the wrist as it traverses through the carpal tunnel.

Acute CTS is a rare compartment syndrome of the carpal tunnel that occurs after major trauma, typically distal radius fracture. Diagnosis is based on clinical history and examination and does not require electrophysiological testing to proceed with surgery as soon as possible to relieve the pressure on the median nerve.[1, 2, 3]

Chronic CTS is a much more common condition and of more gradual onset, with intermittent symptoms initially and slow progression. The condition is often bilateral and almost always more prominent in the dominant hand. The syndrome is characterized by pain, paresthesia, and weakness in the median nerve distribution of the hand that are typically provoked by sleep or activities involving repetitive hand use. Electrodiagnostic studies are helpful to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment in mild cases may be nonsurgical and includes wrist splinting, but many patients require either open or endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery with usually excellent outcome.


The median nerve is formed by C5-C7 fibers from the lateral cord and C8-T1 fibers from the medial cord of the brachial plexus. Muscular branches of the median nerve innervate most of the forearm flexor muscles and include the anterior interosseus nerve. The palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve leaves the main trunk proximal to the wrist crease and provides sensation over the thenar eminence. See the image below.

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Anatomy of the median nerve and the carpal tunnel.

Within the hand, the median nerve carries C8-T1 motor fibers to the abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, and superficial head of the flexor pollicis brevis muscles (thenar or recurrent motor branch) and the first and second lumbrical muscles. It supplies sensory innervation to the palmar surface of the thumb, and digits 2, 3, and the lateral half of digit 4 (via the common palmar digits nerves 1-3).

The median nerve crosses from the distal forearm to the hand through the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel is located at the base of the palm, just distal to the distal wrist crease. The floor of the carpal tunnel is formed by the carpal bones that create an arch. The fibrous flexor retinaculum, or transverse carpal ligament (TCL), is the roof of the carpal tunnel on the palmar side. The carpal tunnel is the narrowest at the level of the distal carpal row, at the level of the hook of the hamate bone. Within the carpal tunnel, the median nerve is physiologically flattened in configuration, and this flattening is maximal about 2-2.5 cm distal to the proximal edge of TCL. Along with the median nerve, 9 flexor digitorum tendons (8 tendons of the superficial and deep finger flexors and 1 of the flexor pollicis longus) pass through the carpal tunnel. The TCL is under tension, helps to maintain the carpal arch, and provides a retinacular pulley to the flexor tendons. See the image below.

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Anatomy of the carpal tunnel.

CTS is caused by increased pressure in the carpal tunnel and on the median nerve. Compression of a peripheral nerve induces marked changes in intraneural microcirculation and nerve fiber structure, impairment of axonal transport, and alterations in vascular permeability, with edema formation and deterioration of nerve function.[4] Ischemia is a more significant factor of nerve fiber damage in acute median nerve compression, whereas in chronic entrapment, mechanical distortion plays a greater role. The pathology of idiopathic CTS is a noninflammatory fibrosis of the subsynovial connective tissue surrounding the flexor tendons. Biochemical studies of surgical specimens suggest that a variety of regulatory molecules may be inducing fibrous and vascular proliferation and that this may be a response to mechanical stresses.[5]

In a study of patients with CTS, when the wrist was in neutral position, the mean pressure in the carpal canal was 32 mm Hg versus 2.5 mm Hg in healthy patients.[6] The pressure increased to 94 mm Hg during wrist flexion (healthy patients 32 mm Hg) and 110 mm Hg during wrist extension (healthy patients 30 mm Hg). Carpal tunnel release brought about an immediate and sustained reduction in pressure.

In animal experiments, acute and severe compression caused persistent impairment of intraneural microcirculation due to mechanical injury to blood vessels.[7] In rabbits undergoing a graded compression of the tibial nerve, interference with venular flow was observed at a pressure of 20-30 mm Hg, while arteriolar and intrafascicular capillary flow was impaired at about 40-50 mm Hg. At 60-80 mm Hg, no blood flow ceased completely.[7]

In early or mild CTS, the median nerve has no morphological changes, and neurologic symptoms are intermittent. Prolonged increased pressure on the nerve results in segmental demyelination. The focal demyelination causes short segment conduction delay or conduction block across the site of entrapment. In more severe cases, wallerian degeneration and denervation of the thenar muscles develops.

The peripheral nerves of patients with underlying generalized neuropathies are more susceptible to compression injury, and the condition is associated in up to one third of cases with systemic medical conditions. Most cases of CTS are considered idiopathic. Some patients have an inherited increased susceptibility of the nerve to pressure, and on rare occasions CTS may be familial.

The concept of double crush syndrome was introduced in 1973 by Upton and McComas.[8] They proposed that focal compression of the nerve proximally predisposes it to injury at a more distal site along its course through impaired axoplasmic flow. The hypothesis remains of uncertain validity; there is no clear association between the frequency and severity of CTS and level of cervical radiculopathy.[9]

United States

CTS is the most common focal peripheral neuropathy. The reported incidence varies by location and methodology used. Prevalence rates for CTS are reported as 1-5% in the general population and 5-15% in the industrial settings. An increasing temporal trend has been reported in several studies.[10, 11]

According to data from the 1980s, the prevalence of electrophysiologically confirmed symptomatic CTS is about 3% among women and 2% among men.[12]

A cross-sectional survey reported in 2001 calculated the lowest possible prevalence of symptomatic CTS in the general US population as 3.72%.[13]

Among residents of Olmsted County, Minnesota, the adjusted annual rates of medically diagnosed CTS increased from 258/100,000 in 1981-1985 to 424/100,000 in 2000-2005.[10] For this last period included in the study, the incidence in women was 542/100,000 and in men was 303/100,000. Generally, the most marked increases in CTS incidence were seen in younger age groups of both sexes in the first part of the study period and among older age groups in the final decades of study. The cause of the increase is unclear, but it corresponds to an epidemic of CTS cases resulting in lost work days that began in the mid 1980s and lasted through the mid 1990s. The elderly present with more severe disease and are more likely to have carpal tunnel surgery.[10]


In the general population for a Dutch community, the prevalence rate of undetected CTS was 5.8% in adult women, and an additional 3.4% already carried the diagnosis of CTS. The overall prevalence rate for men was 0.6%.[14]

A primary care study in the UK from 2000 reported an annual incidence of CTS of 88/100,000 in men, and 193/100,000 in women. New presentations were most frequent in women aged 45-54 years.[15] In this study, CTS was as common as all other entrapment neuropathies combined.

A study in Italy reported a mean standardized annual incidence of 329/100,000 in the Siena area (Tuscany) from 1991-1998, with 139 for men and 506 for women. The age-specific incidence for women increased gradually with age, reaching a peak from 50-59 years. In men, there was a bimodal distribution with peaks from 50-59 years and 70-79 years.[11]

A French study of CTS from 2002-2004 in patients aged 20-59 years reported a mean incidence rate per 1000 person-years that was higher in employed than unemployed persons (1.7 vs 0.8 in women and 0.6 vs 0.3 in men). Higher values were blue-collar workers and lower-grade services, sales, and clerical white-collar workers.[16]


Old content


CTS is associated with high costs to the Health Care system and society. According to 1988 data from the United States, every year an estimated 1 million adults require medical treatment for CTS.[17] About 400,000-500,000 CTS surgeries annually were reported in 1995 with an economic cost of more than 2 billion.[18]

In 1999, CTS cases were associated with a median number of 27 days lost from work, the highest number of any major disabling illness or injury.[19]


Findings of the 1988 National Health Interview survey indicate that CTS is 1.8 times more prevalent in whites than nonwhites.


The reported female-to-male ratio ranges from 3:1 to about 10:1. Phalen's original series in 1970 included 280 women and 96 men (female-to-male ratio 3:1).[20]


Of the patients in Phalen's series, 58% were adults aged 40-60 years.[20]

New content

A general population survey in Rochester, Minn., showed the age-adjusted incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome to be 105 cases per 100,000 person-years. Age-adjusted incidence rates were 52 cases per 100,000 person-years for men and 149 cases per 100,000 person-years for women. The study showed that the incidence increased from 88 cases per 100,000 person-years between 1961 and 1965 to 125 cases per 100,000 person-years between 1976 and 1980. The incidence increased with age in men, whereas it peaked at 45 to 54 years of age in women. Carpal tunnel syndrome is possibly the most common nerve disorder experienced today. It affects 4 – 10 million Americans. Middle-aged to older individuals are more likely to develop the syndrome than younger persons, and females three times more frequently than males.[21, 22]



Patients typically complain of pain, tingling, and numbness in the dominant hand and affecting digits 1-3 in particular, and awakening them from sleep.


Although patients often have difficulty isolating the sensory complaints to the median-innervated digits, sensory findings on examination are typically limited to the distribution of the median nerve. Motor examination often reveals slight weakness of thumb abduction. Thenar muscle atrophy indicates axonal nerve injury in more advanced CTS. The classic motor and sensory signs of CTS including the provocative bedside tests, but do not reliably distinguish among patients with suggestive CTS symptoms between focal median nerve neuropathy as confirmed by electrophysiological testing and other conditions with similar complaints and negative electrophysiological results.


See the list below:

Sensory findings

See the list below:

Motor examination

See the list below:

Diagnostic bedside tests

Provocative tests (symptom replication tests) may assist in the clinical diagnosis of CTS by exacerbating or reproducing the symptoms reported by the patient. However, the tests have low validity. In 1 study of patients with CTS symptoms and subsequent neurophysiological testing, the probability of CTS ranged from 35-70% for positive test results and from 41-62% for negative test results.[31]

Symptom relief test

With the affected hand facing upward, the distal metacarpal heads are gently squeezed. Stretching of digits 3 and 4 may also be used. These maneuvers may diminish the paresthesias in patients with CTS.


Most cases are idiopathic. In up to 50% of cases, an underlying condition may be identified that causes a locally reduced space in the carpal tunnel or increased susceptibility to nerve damage. Many metabolic or endocrine conditions are associated with increased risk of CTS, and several risk factors may coexist. Some cases may be attributed to excessive or repetitive hand movements.

Local causes with reduced space in the carpal tunnel

See the list below:

Regional or systemic conditions with reduced space

See the list below:

Systemic conditions with increased susceptibility of nerves to pressure

See the list below:

Other associated systemic conditions

See the list below:

Familial carpal tunnel syndrome

See the list below:

Work/activity-related causes

See the list below:

Laboratory Studies

Blood tests to screen for underlying rheumatologic or inflammatory disease or other treatable systemic conditions known to be associated with CTS, if suspected:

Imaging Studies

See the list below:

Other Tests

Electrodiagnosis: The clinical bedside examination, including diagnostic provocative tests, have low validity, and patients with CTS symptoms should be referred directly for neurophysiologic examination. Electrodiagnostic studies remain the criterion standard for diagnosis of CTS, but should always be interpreted in combination of the clinical symptoms and signs.

Nerve conduction study (NCS): NCS measures the sensory and motor nerve conduction velocity (latency) and amplitudes across the wrist. Any focal median nerve conduction delay implies a demyelinative lesion of the median nerve. In mild or early CTS, there is usually conduction delay of sensory fibers only, without prolongation of distal motor latency. In more severe CTS, focal conduction block or secondary axon loss results in decreased median nerve sensory and motor amplitudes. Routine NCS may miss the diagnosis of CTS in up to 25% of cases. The sensitivity is greatly improved by measuring the median nerve latency within a shorter segment across the wrist in comparison to an adjacent nerve for the same distance. The clinical diagnosis of CTS may thus be confirmed with a high degree of sensitivity (>85%) and specificity (>95%).[39]

Multiple techniques are used to diagnosis CTS. A typical electrodiagnostic protocol may include the following:

Robinson et al[40] recommended the use of the combined sensory index (CSI) defined as the sum of the 3 latency differences listed above under 5) with higher sensitivity and reliability than the individual tests. Sensitivity for the tests was palmdiff 69.7%, ringdiff 74.2%, thumbdiff 75.8%, and CSI 83.1%. Specificity was 95.4-96.9%. Requiring 1, 2, or 3 tests to be abnormal yielded sensitivities of 84.8%, 74.2%, or 56.1%, respectively, but specificities of 92.3%, 98.5%, and 100%, respectively.

In a follow-up retrospective report on a larger patient group (300 hands), the same authors determined endpoints for individual tests that confidently predicted the results of the CSI; for ranges between these endpoints, further testing was required. These ranges were palmdiff 0-0.3 ms, ringdiff 0.1-0.4 ms, and thumbdiff 0.2-0.7 ms.[42] A smaller prospective study of the same technique documented the overall superiority of the SCI versus individual tests for diagnostic accuracy, but when individual tests were markedly abnormal, it was not necessary to perform all 3 nerve conduction studies.[43]

Electrodiagnostic studies in carpal tunnel syndrome

A report of the American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, American Academy of Neurology, and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation published in 2002 recommended the following electrodiagnostic studies in patients with suspected CTS (see list below for sensitivity and specificity of Techniques A-K):[39]

Comparison of pooled sensitivities and specificities of electrodiagnostic techniques to diagnose CTS [39]

For each electrodiagnostic technique to summarize results across studies, sensitivities were pooled from individual studies by calculating a weighted average. In calculating the weighted average, studies enrolling more patients received more weight than studies enrolling fewer patients. Specificities were similarly pooled by calculating the weighted average.

Medical Care

Conservative treatment is usually recommended for mild-to-moderate carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), at least initially. Guidelines from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons suggest that if symptoms fail to resolve within 2-7 weeks with a particular treatment, the clinician should move on to a different form of therapy.[44]

Surgical Care

The decision to proceed to carpal tunnel release (CTR) surgery should be driven by the preference of the patient.[47] Surgery is indicated in most patients with moderate–to-severe CTS.[48]

According to a Cochrane review in 2008, surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome relieved symptoms significantly better than splinting. A significant proportion of people treated medically eventually required surgery, and the risk of reoperation in surgically treated patients was low. Complications were more common in the surgical arm (RR 1.38, 95% CI, 1.08-1.76).[49]

In a 2005 comparison study of open carpal tunnel release with steroid injection, surgery resulted in better symptomatic and neurophysiologic outcome but not grip strength in patients with idiopathic CTS over 20 weeks.[50]

In a 2009 randomized multicenter study of patients with CTS without denervation, surgical treatment led to modestly better outcome than multimodality, nonsurgical treatment (including hand therapy and ultrasonography).[51]

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons provides treatment guidelines, including surgical recommendations. Regardless of the specific technique used, surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome should involve complete division of the flexor retinaculum.[44]

Indications for surgical decompression

See the list below:

Surgery techniques

Surgery includes complete resection of the transcarpal ligament by open or endoscopic techniques.


See the list below:


If CTS surgery is required, an experienced neurosurgeon, plastic surgeon, or hand surgeon should be consulted.


See the list below:


Prolonged, repetitive use of the wrist (especially with force) may aggravate this condition.

Medication Summary

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) are frequently prescribed for this condition; caution patients to watch for the usual adverse effects. Short-term diuretic treatment may be helpful in patients with limb swelling. A study by Chang et al in patients with mild-to-moderate CTS found that short-term, low-dose oral steroid treatment (prednisolone, 20 mg qd x 2 wk, then 10 mg qd x 2 wk) was more effective than treatment with a diuretic or an NSAID.[58] A follow-up study found that 2 weeks of prednisolone provided long-term results comparable to those with 4 weeks of treatment.[59]

Naproxen (Anaprox, Naprelan, Naprosyn)

Clinical Context:  For relief of mild to moderately severe pain; inhibits inflammatory reactions and pain by decreasing activity of cyclooxygenase, which is responsible for prostaglandin synthesis.

Ibuprofen (Ibuprin, Advil, Motrin)

Clinical Context:  DOC for mild to moderately severe pain. Inhibits inflammatory reactions and pain by decreasing prostaglandin synthesis.

Ketoprofen (Oruvail, Orudis, Actron)

Clinical Context:  For relief of mild to moderately severe pain and inflammation. Small dosages indicated initially in patients with small body size, the elderly, and those with renal or liver disease.

Doses >75 mg do not increase therapeutic effects.

Administer high doses with caution and closely observe patient for response.

Flurbiprofen (Ansaid)

Clinical Context:  May inhibit cyclooxygenase, which in turn inhibits prostaglandin biosynthesis. These effects may result in analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory activities.

Class Summary

These agents have analgesic and antipyretic activities. Their mechanism of action is not known, but they may inhibit cyclooxygenase activity and prostaglandin synthesis. Other mechanisms may exist as well, such as inhibition of leukotriene synthesis, lysosomal enzyme release, lipoxygenase activity, neutrophil aggregation, and various cell-membrane functions. Various NSAIDs may be used.

Prednisolone (AK-Pred, Delta-Cortef, Articulose-50, Econopred)

Clinical Context:  Decreases inflammation by suppressing migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and reducing capillary permeability.

Class Summary

A recent report suggested that short-term oral steroids may be beneficial in CTS.

Further Outpatient Care

See the list below:

Inpatient & Outpatient Medications

NSAIDs may be beneficial.


See the list below:

Patient Education

See the list below:


Friedhelm Sandbrink, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Georgetown University School of Medicine; Assistant Clinical Professor of Neurology, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences; Director, EMG Laboratory and Chief, Chronic Pain Clinic, Department of Neurology, Washington Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Specialty Editors

Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Editor-in-Chief, Medscape Drug Reference

Disclosure: Received salary from Medscape for employment. for: Medscape.

Neil A Busis, MD, Chief of Neurology and Director of Neurodiagnostic Laboratory, UPMC Shadyside; Clinical Professor of Neurology and Director of Community Neurology, Department of Neurology, University of Pittsburgh Physicians

Disclosure: Serve(d) as a director, officer, partner, employee, advisor, consultant or trustee for: American Academy of Neurology<br/>Serve(d) as a speaker or a member of a speakers bureau for: American Academy of Neurology<br/>Received income in an amount equal to or greater than $250 from: American Academy of Neurology.

Chief Editor

Nicholas Lorenzo, MD, MHA, CPE, Co-Founder and Former Chief Publishing Officer, eMedicine and eMedicine Health, Founding Editor-in-Chief, eMedicine Neurology; Founder and Former Chairman and CEO, Pearlsreview; Founder and CEO/CMO, PHLT Consultants; Chief Medical Officer, MeMD Inc; Chief Strategy Officer, Discourse LLC

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Additional Contributors

Stephen A Berman, MD, PhD, MBA, Professor of Neurology, University of Central Florida College of Medicine

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.


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Anatomy of the median nerve and the carpal tunnel.

Anatomy of the carpal tunnel.

Scars from carpal tunnel release surgery.

Scars from carpal tunnel release surgery.

Anatomy of the carpal tunnel.

Anatomy of the median nerve and the carpal tunnel.